The best way to keep your home clean when you have a pet: Philips Floorcare Powerpro Aqua

PowerPro Aqua Cordless Bagless Wet & Dry Upright Vacuum CleanerIt’s been a little over 4 months since we moved into our apartment, and we’ve never been more happy! It took a while but everything is finally coming together interior-wise: we’ve decided on our dining room table, our velvet couch is being custom-made as we speak and we’re expecting our marble coffee table to be delivered any minute now. You already know how very much in love I am with my walk-in closet upstairs and I cannot wait to show you the other rooms.

Only ‘downside’ of moving into something more spacious: with great space comes great responsibility (or something like that), which reflects in me having to spend a lot more time cleaning everything around the house. Our little puppet Lewis tends to shed a lot of hair, so we’re basically vacuuming 24/7, and this Fall weather isn’t really helping in terms of keeping our white wooden floors paw-stain-free. So you can imagine that, when I get asked to testdrive a new cleaning supply, I get all kinds of excited!

Philips Pro Aqua review

Philips Pro Aqua review

Philips recently launched its newest vacuum model, the Philips Floorcare Powerpro Aqua, an upright vacuum cleaner that can be used for both dry & wet cleaning. The Powerpro is actually a 3-in-1 genius: it is a cordless vacuum cleaner, has a detachable handheld dustbuster ànd comes with extra tools to turn the vacuum into a microfiber mopping system that cleans up dirt and stains in no time. We have hardwood floors in our living area that I like to vacuum as much as I can, but then we also have tiles and laminate on our stairs and on our second floor, so the Philips Floorcare Powerpro Aqua is the perfect all-round tool for us. I love the fact that the thing is cordless and easy to carry: no more having to carry around a heavy vacuum cleaner when I want to clean the stairs. I add a little water and some detergent into the click-on head, click it in the system on one end and attach the microfiber pad on the other, and booom, ready to give the apartment a good wipe-down! I feel that cleaning with water and detergent really cleans a place, but I hated having to grab a bucket and mop and then going down on hands and knees looking like Cinderella (I know that is probably not how most people mop, but somehow, whenever I tried it, the floorcloth always came of and I struggled real hard 😅). Not anymore though, this system is fool-proof!

The dustbuster comes in handy when I want to dust off our couch, take away crumbs on the table or find plucks of Lewis’ coat floating around. I always thought a cordless system would require hours of charging for only 5 minutes of cleaning, but it turns out that the Philips Floorcare Powerpro Aqua is good for 40 minutes of non-stop cleaning fun in one charge! It completely cleans Lewis’ lounge pillow in one go – and fun fact, Little Lewis, who is always so scared of vacuum cleaners, became instant friends with this one! I know it is not the coolest thing to say, but confession: I enjoy cleaning the house with this baby!

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