
Sunday Walks With Lewis


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Hi November! You made a sunny entrance, one perfect for long walks in the forest with mr. Lewis, so that’s exactly what we did all day yesterday. The nature reserve in my hometown is so pretty this time of year, with rays of sun peeking through the golden treetops, crisp air and clear blue skies. Hope your sunday was as relaxing as mine 🙂

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Dogs and Dresses Sunday Walks with Lewis

November 2, 2015

So lucky you have a reserve in you hometown…wish we had that in the city 🙂 Lovely photos!

Christina ♥

November 2, 2015

I sure am lucky! Thanks dear 🙂

November 2, 2015

Wat een prachtige foto’s! X

November 2, 2015

Lovely photos Elien, you look happy!

November 3, 2015

Ooh zulke lieve foto’s! Perfect weekend om november in te gaan zo 🙂

November 3, 2015

Zulke lieve foto’s! Prachtig!

Liefs Nora /

November 8, 2015

Tof, die combinatie van zwart/wit en kleur foto’s!

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