Bump update

Bump Update Week 27

Aaaaand that was week 27! I’ve now officially entered the third trimester, so yay for that! Exciting to know that it won’t be long before we get to meet our baby girl, but also sort of scary at the same time 馃槈 It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions around here, but I try to focus on the positive and keep manifesting good thoughts regarding both the pregnancy and the recovery.聽

I’ve started doing pregnancy Pilates, and even though I’d done it in the past, it was a tad bit out of my comfort zone; there was a lot of focus on the actual labour part of being pregnant and specifically how to recover as best as possible after giving birth. I haven’t thought about that aspect of it all much, as it kinda freaks me out, but learning more about it and about ways that’ll hopefully help myself when I find myself in that.. uh.. position, is comforting!聽聽


Nuna Arra Next Hazelwood

We decided on the Nuna Arra Next as a car seat for one of the cars, as is is practical (with its 3 recline positions and because it weighs just 3.5 kg making it easy to carry for me) AND super pretty! Believe me, there are a lot of car seats out there, and they’re mostly plain black or plain ugly.- but this one is actually pretty! I chose the colorway Hazelwood, a soft taupey grey, that works with any car interior and actually fits our home as well. Can’t wait to start using it!